Changes to the review scale

Earlier last week I promised to explain how the written review scale would work. Well, since then it’s changed. After discussions between myself and the others, we agreed that the scale Morgan has begun using for video reviews will be our single review scale going forward.

Why the change? Well, when I set out to make this part of the website I was never even sure I would use number scores. Working in games press I always found scoring to be a necessary evil. I don’t care that a game has a seven I would much rather people read my thoughts on it. While the scale Morgan made isn’t perfect ( what scale is) it’s digestible and easy to follow, and frankly, a website with two different review scales would be downright silly.

The simple five-point scale works as follows: Five-star games are the cream of the crop. They’re not perfect because nothing is but these are games the reviewer would consider GOTY contenders. Four-star games while great might not be considered GOTY ringers. Three-stars are flaw ridden games that still have something worthwhile in their respective genre. Two-stars are where you’ll find borderline unplayable messes, and the dreaded one-star is the worst the gaming world has to offer, a basically unplayable stress-inducing nightmare.

All this being said, our reviews section is still small, but under the new scale, you might notice some changes to existing scores! Thanks for the support and we hope you like all the new content coming your way.
