Dark Elf

Filling out Fantasy Races

Filling out Fantasy Races

Author: Ray McGill

I was reading an article on Polygon last week, detailing how the renowned fantasy author, R.A. Salvatore is changing how Drow Elves are portrayed in the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons and Dragons. I have spent a lot of time since then thinking about how races, groups, factions, etc are portrayed in not only fantasy books, but video games, and other genres like sci-fi. I applaud Salvatore’s commitment to changing the way races are handled in fantasy settings, as well as his own growth as a writer in the process. For those who do not know: Drow Elves are black-skinned evil Elves native to D&D’s Forgotten Realms setting. They worship their dark spider-goddess known as Lloth. Salvatore’s most famous character, the Drow Elf Drizzt Do’Urden is one such Drow Elf who has rebelled against his evil society, and is a hero in the Forgotten Realms.