Intelligent Sytems

Review: Warioware: Get It Together

Review: Warioware: Get It Together

Author: Rich Meister

You’ve made it; it’s time since I came on and launched an editorial section for SwordChomp we knew the legendary day would arrive. It’s time to review a Wario Game! Warioware is an insane series and probably one of the most objectively strange and entertaining things that Nintendo has ever done, and I’ve been head over heels for it since way back in the GBA era.

Warioware: Get It Together is Intelligent System’s latest foray into the world of Wario and the Diamond City crew of weirdos that all hang out together for some reason. Get It Together hits some of the micro game-highs of the series past but struggles in the spots it tries to change, namely in being a cooperative experience and offering an interesting choice of character options to play around with.