Josef Fares

Rich Meister's Top 10 Games of 2021

Rich Meister's Top 10 Games of 2021

What a year. 2021 has been arguably the best year and a string of horrible years. Sure, we’ve still got that whole pandemic thing, and our country’s moral and financial integrity is crumbling from the inside out, but VIDEO GAMES! Also, that Spider-man movie was really good.

Despite the horrible odds, I’ve made it through another calendar year as Sword Chomp’s EIC, and I played a lot of really cool games. Tons of people said there weren’t many good games this year; those people are dumb as shit. Here are the ten games I thought kicked the most ass in 2021.

Review: It Takes Two

Review: It Takes Two

A healthy relationship is a hard thing to sustain. It requires both parties to grow, encourage growth in one another, and be willing to admit it when they fucked up. It’s a lot like finding a good co-op partner in that regard. This is why Hazelight Studio’s It Takes Two works so well. It does a better job of keeping both players entertained with a wacky world and fun gameplay mechanics than it does of depicting two people going through a divorce, but what game is perfect?