
Rich Meister's top 10 games of 2020

Rich Meister's top 10 games of 2020

Congratulations, despite everything, you made it through the fever dream that was 2020. Despite the strange circumstances surrounding this year, a lot of good happened on my end, like officially joining the Swordchomp crew. I wanted to use this intro to thank the community for embracing my integration into the podcast and encouraging the work that all four of us do here. It’s just the beginning of the road for me, so I hope to bring you more great written content and even more in 2021.

Enough of that, though! Do you know what else happened in 2020? I played some fucking video games. Some good, some bad, some weird, but these were my ten favorites.

Review: Spider-man: Miles Morales

Review: Spider-man: Miles Morales

Spider-man is a big deal to a lot of people. To someone like myself, a comic book nerd growing up in New York. He was an even bigger deal. The places where the Webhead squared off against Vulture and the Rhino were real, and I would regularly see them. As video games got, more and more impressive Spider-man games were some of the first where I got to see digital representations of my backyard, Couple that with the fantastic gameplay of Insomniac’s first outing with the NYC Wall-crawler, and it was only natural it was one of my favorite games of 2018.