
Late to the party review: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids

Late to the party review: Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Wrath of the Druids

I have long been an Assassin’s Creed fan. Been playing since the first game, and I have beaten every mainline entry that the series has put out. I have rolled with the punches, story-tone changes, playstyle differences, bad modern-day crap, nickel-and-dime DLC schemes, XP boosters, and glitchy messes. I love the historical murder-tourism and generally I have enjoyed several of the changes that have happened with the curren batch of AC titles. While I miss the sprawling urban playgrounds of Ezio’s day, and especially the zipline utopia that was Victorian London in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, I came to enjoy the forays into the truly ancient history that AC Origins, Odyssey, and Vallhalla have put forth. While the latest entry, Valhalla, is probably the title I have enjoyed the least, it still presented enough new story beats, and a general mood that justified its existence. Does the first larger DLC pack, Wrath of the Druids justify its existence in the greater game? The short answer is no, no it does not.

Review: Watch Dogs Legion

Review: Watch Dogs Legion

Watch Dogs 2 was a step in the right direction for a series that initially went over like a wet fart. It traded in the all business plank of wood protagonist know as Aiden Pierce for Marcus Holloway, a young hacker leading hacking collective Deadsec on adventures taking down greedy corporate douchebags and mustache-twirling pharmaceutical and tech companies. Essentially it turned a boring over serious open-world game and turned it into a wacky adventure overflowing with style and charm. It’s strange then that Watch Dogs Legion manages to keep a lot of that fun and style intact while struggling to find a balance between a hack the planet type adventure and a decidedly dark tone.