
Ray's 2022 Gaming Resolutions

Ray's 2022 Gaming Resolutions

I am not typically one for the standard New Year Resolutions. I tell myself I will get to the gym more, or I’ll stop cursing so much, or…yadda yadda yadda. Point is, anything I promise to myself in that grand scheme idea, never works. So I don’t do it. Impossible to disappoint yourself if you don’t pump yourself up in the first place folks. Words to live by. Now resolutions about something smaller, that works. So I decided this year I am going to try some resolutions for gaming. As an adult who likes playing longer games, it can be difficult to hit everything, simply because the time isn’t there. How many sprawling Japanese stories about teenagers killing God while romancing the local sales clerk can I get through while I have to work a day job and go to school? The answer is probably not many, so that is why I am thinking I need to change the way I play games at times. So to that end, let’s get into my gaming resolutions of 2022:

Game Price Insanity

Game Price Insanity

Before I begin here, I just need to get this out of the way. I am not against video games being $70 this generation. Game development costs have only gone up, while the prices of games have remained stagnant for years. That is a separate article though. Today, I am here to talk about another type of game where the prices are getting absolutely out of control: Retro games

My Summer gaming goals

My Summer gaming goals

So this is the first non-intro thing I am writing for Sword Chomp. It’s somewhat nerve-wracking, but in some ways, starting to write something always is. When I was trying to come up with what would be a good thing to talk about with you fine readers, one of the first ideas I had was how I intend to spend my Summer, with regards to playing video games. I don’t have much in the way of Summer plans otherwise; I may live on an island, but I am not a beach-goer, with a beach-body. I am in-shape mind you, assuming you consider very round to be a shape. You folks aren’t here though for beach talk anyway, this is a video game website, so let’s talk about video games god dammit.