Cheesecake Crimes - Ep. 175

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2020! It’s the start of a new decade. The 2010s were fantastic for so many reasons, but alas, they are over. What can we expect from the world, from our countries, from our cities, from our friends, from ourselves? Where will gaming go in the next decade? Will Half Life ever get a true sequel?

Well, we don’t have the answer to any of those questions, but what we do have is the first Chompcast episode of the new year and new decade!

We were joined by fellow gaming enthusiast, Rich Meister, as we discussed games we are anticipating in 2020. Yes, we somehow manage to continue to allow our expectations to get higher than we should. We also discussed Days Gone, as Shea has finally wrapped it up. We discussed the new Witcher Netflix show and correlated the discussion with the games. We finish off the show with some poll-arizing questions answered by you, the Chompers.

Thank you for your continued love and support, and here’s to an awesome next year and decade!


Introductions - 0:27

Group Anticipated Games - 15:12

Individual Anticipated Games - 1:06:15

Days Gone - 1:30:38

Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker - 1:51:26

The Witcher - 2:09:27

Listener Witcher Comments - 2:31:54

Polls - 2:43:26

Recorded January 10, 2020