Look at the Rack – Ep. 204


Are there times where you feel compelled to keep watching a TV show, play a video game, read a book, or listen to an album despite you having less and less enjoyment with the art? Do you feel guilty for quitting on inanimate objects and feel like your peers, peers being yourself, will judge you harshly until the end of time? Do you wish you could take it all back and forget a time where you felt the necessity to complete the media you are partaking in?

Bad news is you are not entitled to financial compensation or sympathy, but we at Sword Chomp have empathy for you as we discuss this very topic on the most recent episode of the Chompcast! We also manage to squeeze in some gaming talk, discussing Frog Fractions, Fae Tactics, and Othercide!

Topic: 00:00:27

Frog Fractions: 01:24:12

Fae Tactics: 01:31:28

Othercide: 01:38:19

Polls: 01:59:10

Morgan’s Plug: 02:09:25