Thanksgiving Special: CAD - Little Nicky

Happy holidays everyone! By now, you have feasted on a surplus of Thanksgiving food (or just enjoyed a normal day if you’re not from the US) and are still recuperating from your food hangover. Your leftovers are almost gone, while you lament on not eating stuffing until next year rolls around.

While most people were relaxing and enjoying free time, we put our noses to the grind to bring you the content that you so desperately crave. The masses have been clamoring. Message upon message littered our inbox. We couldn’t wait any longer! So we brought you what you desired: a complete breakdown of Little Nicky, a cult classic for all ages! With jokes such as shoving a pineapple up Hitler’s keister in Hell, a demon with breasts on top of its head, and a recurring joke about the “deep South” it’s little wonder why we chose to torture ourselves this Thanksgiving.

Please enjoy this departure from our usual show, and tune in next week when we start our Game of the Year proceedings!

If you want more content from us, such as more podcast episodes or to read articles we’ve written, head on over to!

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