Numerical Value of Art - Ep. 201


What is the value of a good joke? A meaningful glance between two skilled actors? A warm meal? A saxophone solo in some smooth jazz? What is the worth of a movie so bad it’s good?

No one knows… but there’s a number for it.

In this week’s episode of the Chompcast we breakdown what review scores mean to each of us, and we respond to some of your thoughts on the matter too. Josh tells us about his time with Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. Blood is drawn in the war of the one true chip. And Rich gives us a tour through the world of Ooblets.


Reviews Scores - 13:53

Polls - 1:09:27

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - 1:19:43

More Polls - 1:31:22

Ooblets - 1:38:37

Recorded July 17, 2020