The Last of Us Part 2

LGBTQ Representation in Gaming - Ep. 245

Dear listeners, welcome to our newest episode! We sat down with our special guest and friend, Ivan, to discuss LGBTQ representation in gaming and gaming culture. We asked him some questions to get a deeper understanding and perspective this multi-faceted issue. Is there enough representation in gaming? Is there a specific way gaming journalists should talk about LGBTQ in gaming? What can you do when you haven’t been as inclusive in the past and are feeling guilty for your mistakes? All of these questions and more are discussed in this delightful episode.

And if that’s not enough, we also discussed Chicory, Roguebook, Phantom Abyss, and Biomutant. We also revealed the results of the social media polls, and we rounded up the show with our monthly Patreon shout-outs.

Thank you for checking out the show, and enjoy!

Sword Chomp GotY 2020 - Week 3

Welcome! You have reached the third and final week of the Game of the Year shows where we award games of 2020 the Daggertooth Awards from us here at Sword Chomp.

We officially close 2020 out by awarding games our personal top 5 games of the year before we collectively decide the 5 games that represent our favorite games here at Sword Chomp.

We want to say thank you to you, the listener, for sticking with us this year and showing your incredible support. What was your game of 2020?

Sword Chomp GotY 2020 - Week 2

It’s week 2 of Game of the Year, baby! We ran through all of our categories, such as our favorite character, our favorite gaming ecosystem, the character we’d most like to punch in the face, and many more. Enjoy one of our longest episodes of the year, and return for next week where we reveal our top 5 personal and site games of the year!

Sword Chomp GOTY 2020 - Week 1

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the first of 3 weeks of Game of the Year for 2020. That’s right, we switched it up on you. This year, we kicked off the discussion with Best Soundtrack of the Year, Best Song of the Year, and Best Title Screen Music of the year. That’s right; we wanted to give heaps of credit to some of the best composers in the game….the gaming game. Or something. Anyways, enjoy the show and stay tuned for next week when we break down many categories!

Squirrels in a Storm - Ep. 199

Buckle up, guys. This episode has everything: drama, suspense, tangents, and dick jokes. We discussed our hype levels of Cyberpunk 2077, but seemingly it descended into a conversation about detective modes in gaming. We discussed One Step from Eden and The Last of Us 2, which got extremely heated, so be ready. Lastly, we jumped into our polls to lighten up the mood. Enjoy and prepare those fists!